Background Screening ~ $14-$164.00: Background screenings are now required on an annual basis for all adult members working with juniors (including officials) There are specific criteria for USA Volleyball screenings, so school and government background screens cannot be substituted. The screenings conducted by NCSI are for a 10-year time period, so the 1st one may require multiple trips to county courthouses to physically check records. Please allow two-three weeks for background screenings to be completed.
Background screenings will be a separate purchase, done after your membership purchase is complete. This is different than past seasons.
USAV background screening fees are below:
Non-citizen screenings require an additional fee be collected:
Delta Region does not collect any money from background screen charges.
Policy Name: USA Volleyball and its Regional Volleyball Associations Background Check Policy
Date of Issuance: 9/01/2020
Applies to: USA Volleyball Participants
Preamble: This USAV Volleyball and Regional Volleyball Association Background Check Policy includes significant alterations to the automatic disqualifiers section. Those who may have passed the background screen previously may no longer qualify under the current automatic disqualifiers.
Purpose: The U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, including USA Volleyball and its Regional Volleyball Associations are committed to the safety of athletes and participants involved in sport. The USOPC requires NGBs, PSOs, and HPMOs, in this case, USA Volleyball (hereinafter “USAV”) and its Regional Volleyball Associations (hereafter “RVA”) to conduct background checks.
All provisions of this policy are mandatory in substance and must be followed as applicable. The USOPC has set forth the minimum standards and basic requirements that USAV and RVA are required to follow. In addition, the USOPC has authorized USAV and RVA to adopt background check standards that are more demanding than the USOPC policy.
Policy Statement:
I. Application. This policy applies to the following USAV and RVA groups and individuals that are 18 years of age or older (all individuals falling under this policy shall have a successful USAV background check on record prior to participation in the role unless another timeframe is indicated below):
A. USAV and RVA employees and individuals that USAV or RVA authorize, approve or appoint to (a) serve in a position of authority over or (b) have regular contact with athletes.1 This shall include, but is not limited to, USAV and RVA staff, officials, coaches, club directors, board members, coordinators, club administrators, chaperones, team representatives, tournament directors, trainers, independent contractors, volunteers, 2 medical personnel, and other individuals authorized or nominated by USAV or RVA to work with athletes or other sport participants while at USAV sanctioned events or while at a USAV Training Site.3
B. Assistants, or personal care assistants who are funded, have a contractual obligation with, or are credentialed by USAV or RVA, or otherwise have regular contact with USAV or RVA athletes.
C. All athletes and alternates, training partners, and guides 18 years of age or older who are selected by USAV to participate in national or international team or Delegation Events. Individuals referenced in this subsection shall have 45 days after reaching the age of majority (18 years of age) to come into compliance with this background check policy.
D. All athletes and alternates, training partners,4 and guides 18 years of age or older that are selected by USAV or RVAs to train at any Olympic & Paralympic Training Center, USOPC High Performance Training Center, or USAV Training Site.
E. Other individuals who have regular contact with athletes as determined by USAV or RVA in their discretion.
II. Background Check Search Components. A. Full Background Checks. All full background check screens will include at least the following search components:
1. Social Security Number validation;
2. Name and address history records;
3. Two independent Multi-Jurisdictional Criminal Database searches covering 50 states plus DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico;
4. Federal District Courts search for each name used and district where the individual currently lives or has lived during the past seven years, going back the length of time records are available and reportable;
5. County Criminal Records for each name used and county where the individual currently lives or has lived during the past seven years, going back the length of time records are available and reportable for each county searched;
6. National Sex Offender Registry database search of all available states, plus DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico;
7. Multiple National Watch Lists;
8. SafeSport Disciplinary Records;
9. Comprehensive International Records search for U.S. citizens who have lived outside of the United States for six consecutive months in any one country, during the past seven years;
10. Motor Vehicle Records of at least a 3-year history in the state of licensure; (if driving is required for position).
B. Supplemental Background Checks. All supplemental off-year background check screens will be conducted using at least the following search components:
1. Multi-Jurisdictional criminal database covering 50 states plus DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico;
2. Sex Offender Registry database searches of all available states, plus DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico; and,
3. SafeSport Disciplinary Records
III. Timeframe.
A. Full background checks will be completed prior to the commencement of a new role or competition for all applicable individuals.
B. At minimum, full background checks will be conducted on all applicable individuals every two years using at least the background check search components referenced in Section II.A.
C. A supplemental, partial, background check will be conducted in the off-years using at least the background check search components referenced in Section
III.B. IV. USAV Training Sites. USAV shall require criminal background checks in compliance with the background search components in Section II.A., for those individuals USAV formally authorizes, approves or appoints (a) to serve in a position of authority over athletes, or (b) to have regular contact with athletes. USAV currently does not have any “training sites” as defined by the USOPC.
V. Media. Individuals affiliated with the media, who are authorized or credentialed by USAV or RVA to attend a USAV sanctioned event, or authorized or credentialed by USAV to access a Training Site are required to undergo a criminal background check if they have unsupervised one-on-one interactions with the athletes.
VI. Third-Party Vendors/Contractors. Contracts with third-party vendors/contractors that are (a) in a position of authority over or (b) in regular contact with athletes must include the background check requirements set forth in this policy.
VII. Partner Programs. When partnering with community organizations for events, USAV or RVA shall ensure that the partnership agreement includes language regarding background check requirements. The agreements shall also specify that certification must be provided by the community organization upon request by USAV or RVA to establish that the mandated background checks were conducted.
VIII. Background Check Report Review.
A. Automatic Disqualifiers for Participation in USAV Sanctioned Events and/or Activities. Any USAV/RVA background check that results in a report of a disposition or resolution of a criminal proceedings, other than an adjudication of not guilty,8 for any of the below criminal offenses, will be subject to USAV/RVA policies and procedures to determine the individual’s level of access and involvement:
1. Any felony;
2. Any misdemeanor involving:
a. Any drug related offenses;
b. Harm to a minor and vulnerable person, including, but not limited to, offenses such as child abandonment, child endangerment/neglect/abuse, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and DUI with a minor;
c. Violence against a person (including crimes involving firearms and domestic violence);
d. Stalking, harassment, blackmail, violation of a protection order and/or threats;
e. Destruction of property, including arson, vandalism, and criminal mischief; and,
f. Animal abuse or neglect.
3. All sex offenses (felonies and misdemeanors), criminal offenses of a sexual nature to include but not limited to; rape, child molestation, sexual battery, lewd conduct, possession and distribution of child pornography, possession and distribution of obscene material, prostitution, indecent exposure, public indecency, and any sex offender registrant;
4. Murder and Homicide regardless of time limit;
5. Any multiple alcohol offenses within the past 7 years
The time frames associated with the categories of crime listed above are calculated based on the date of the offense. Individuals that are disqualified must wait one season before reapplying for affiliation with USAV/RVA.
B. Secondary Review of USAV Determinations. USAV/RVA must comply with the USOPC Background Check Policy and Procedures as it relates to situations under which a secondary review of USAV/RVA determinations will be conducted by the USOPC.
C. Additional Background Checks. USAV and RVA retain the right to require additional background checks at any time.
IX. Background Check Disputes and Appeals.
A. Disputes of Findings. Disqualified individuals may dispute the findings of the background check directly with USAV/RVA’s approved background check organization.
B. Appeals of Disqualifications. All disqualified individuals have the right to request an appeal of their disqualification by filing a written request for review with the USAV General Counsel within thirty (30) days from the date of notification of the disqualification. Each written request for review shall be accompanied by a $100.00 non-refundable filing fee made payable to “USA Volleyball.” An email from the individual requesting said review will constitute a timely request, however, no review by USAV shall occur until all other requirements have been met.
1. USAV Review Panel. Any individual’s request will be reviewed by a USAV Background Check Review Panel, which will consist of: a. USAV General Counsel b. USAV Manager, SafeSport c. USAV Chief of Membership Services
2. Considerations. USAV Review Panel has the discretion to deny membership to any individual if it finds, in good faith, that an individual’s conviction(s) or pending disposition(s) may have a negative effect on USAV or RVA. In rendering its finding, the Review Panel will consider any and/or all of the following:
a. The legitimate interests of USAV in providing a safe environment for athletes and other individuals who may participate in USAV programs and events;
b. The amount of time that has transpired since the offense(s);
c. Any information produced by the individual, or produced on behalf of the individual, concerning the incident(s) that resulted in the disqualification; and,
d. Any other information, which in the determination of USAV, would bear on whether or not the individual should be denied or granted membership.
A determination will be made based on a majority vote of USAV Review Panel. USAV Review Panel will communicate its findings to the individual in writing within five (5) business days following the review. USAV Review Panel shall serve as the final decision authority.
X. Authorized Background Check Organization. USAV and RVA use the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) as their background check vendor. NCSI is a full-service screening organization that works in accordance with the Recommended Guidelines© established by the National Council of Youth Sports (“NCYS”). Council of Youth Sports (“NCYS”)
What is SportsEngine Background Screening by NCSI?
SportsEngine, Inc., an NBC Sports Group company, is the leading software provider of sport life management solutions for 35MM coaches, parents, athletes, and sport relationship management applications for more than 1MM clubs, leagues, governing bodies, and associations. SportsEngine helps sports organizations around the globe reduce the time they spend on administrative tasks, and enables them to focus more on developing their athletes, providing safe experiences, and furthering the love of sport. Safety is a fundamental piece of SportsEngine’s mission to help more kids get out and play. That’s why SportsEngine acquired the two leading providers of background screening services – the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) and Southeastern Security Consultants (SSCI). The two companies are now unified under the NCSI name and are an independent, wholly-owned company under SportsEngine Inc.
Where do I go to submit my background screening?
Your organization will provide you with the background screening registration link that they need you to complete. Please reach out to an Administrator at the organization you are affiliated with if you need assistance.
What happens once I've submitted my background screen?
Once you have submitted your background screen, SportsEngine sends this information to NCSI. NCSI begins the background screening report by validating your personal data through a social security address trace. If they are unable to do so from the information you submitted, you will receive an email from NCSI with a link to electronically resubmit the necessary information to proceed with the background check.
After your personal data is validated, NCSI will search two national criminal databases and national sex offender registries. NCSI will then also perform a local jurisdiction criminal record check in the jurisdiction or jurisdictions associated with your address history found on the social security address trace.
In order to ensure the accuracy of the report, the NCSI quality assurance team reviews all information before sending the results of the report to the SportsEngine platform. Once the report is delivered to the SportsEngine platform, your organization administrator will be notified and will have access to review the results of the report. Your organization administrator will make the final determination of your eligibility to participate.
How long does it take NCSI to complete the background screening?
The background screening process is typically completed in five business days from the date of submission. Be aware that the turnaround time can vary for a variety of reasons including applicant needs to verify their personal data with the NCSI team; courthouses are experiencing delays either due to heavy volume or other circumstances. If your screening is delayed, please check your inbox for emails from NCSI, as the company may have reached out to you to verify your personal data. NOTE: Providing inaccurate personal data during registration may delay the background screening process.
What do I do if it's been longer than five business days and I haven't received an email or confirmation that my background screening has been completed?
After five business days, please contact NCSI directly at for a status update. Depending on the status, the NCSI team may be able to expedite the process to complete and deliver the report.
Who do I reach out to if I have questions about the results of my completed background screening?
For questions, please contact the NCSI Quality Control Department at (866) 996-7412 and select option #3. You may also submit an inquiry via email to
What if I don't want to provide my personally identifiable information?
The background screening application requires the submission of full legal name, address, date of birth and social security number. All of the required fields are marked with an asterisk. We are unable to complete the background screening if any of the required information is not provided. SportsEngine and NCSI have policies and processes in place designed to protect our customers’ and users’ best interests. Access to data is only given to those with a true need for such access. Both organizations are PCI-compliant and do not share any personal information with third-parties. Please note: providing inaccurate personal data during registration may delay the background screening process.
Can I get a copy of my report?
Yes, you can receive a copy of your report, either by clicking the box at the end of your background screening registration on SportsEngine, or emailing, if you have already submitted your registration.